Tuesday, August 18, 2009


August has been full of sun and fun so far. We have kept busy playing with friends, going to parks, swimming at magic waters and playing on our new swing set. Kiera loves to play in the water but not so much a fan of sprinklers. She loves to go on slides and is busy exploring using her walking skills. She eats just about anything and is always ready for more. She has become territorial over toys and her mommy...Isabelle has seen the wrath of Kiera. Her favorite word is "Hi" but has also said (at least once) "head", "done", "on", "hat", "hot", ma-ma, da-da, nigh-nigh. She did a somersault on the bed at the hotel in FL and tried to do one again when Isabelle was doing them...she likes to climb, "marches" like big sister, dances and can finally ride the ride on toys...even though it is only backwards. She still loves her purses and babies. :)

Isabelle is busier than ever...she is always on the move. She still loves to look at books, ride her big girl bike, swing on the big girl swings and zoom down the slides. She is more eager to try things that she once may have feared. She loves to play with her friends and to be outside and enjoys water fun! She loves-loves-loves her sister and is excited Kiera can "play" a little with her. The soon to be 4 year old is always using her imagination and makes me laugh through out the day. She likes to use big words, which is the cutest thing ever coming out of her mouth!, like "actually" - "realized"-"investigate" and "but of course, mommy". :) Isabelle starts preschool three days a week at the end of August. We are excited to see what that brings!

Water fun

This is how we made the jogging stroller a double for a tired Belle.

The girls are big fans of corn on the cob...so cute!

Kelly and Kiera :)
Kelly and Brent came up for a visit at the beginning of July. It was so nice to see them!
Grandpa Rich and Kiera
Kelly and Isabelle
Molitor Family picture
Isabelle and Kiera playing nicely together

A quiet place to read...
She can now move herself on the ride on toys...backwards. :)
Princess Aurora and Cinderella (our friend, Emma)

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