Friday, July 24, 2009

New York : Saturday

On Saturday Lisa had to work so the girls and I hung out exploring the streets by her apartment, visiting Barnes & Noble and having lunch on the sidewalk by Lisa's apartment. Cement picnics can be just as fun as grass ones...just a little more uncomfortable for adults. :) When Lisa got home we went out to dinner, got Belle ice cream and then headed to the promenade to see the Statue of Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge. There was plenty of room for the girls to run around too which they really needed to silly!I tried to get them to walk hand and hand...not quite yet but still very cute.Kiera wanted to stop at every step and climb...Belle took this picture of Kiera and myself - pretty good. :)
Brooklyn Bridge
Statue of Liberty

Staten Island ferry

We got Isabelle an ice cream from Ben & Jerry's after dinner... vanilla with sprinkles.

Little Kiera wanted some too.... she thought that tasted pretty good.

New York : Friday

Our trip to NY went really well and the girls behaved for me at the airport and on the plane. I was most concerned about those two things so I was happy to have things go so smoothly.
I have decided to divide our trip up by days since we have so many pictures. I did not take a ton of pictures of the actual city because Kevin took a bunch when he was there in February. Enjoy!
Isabelle as we were about to land. She was so excited!

This is how Kiera arrived at Lisa's apartment. She was so tired so she couldn't take it anymore!

We went to the cupcake store (a cute little bakery) shortly after we arrived in Brooklyn.

Isabelle "smiling"